A lightweight steel frame structure is compatible with most cladding materials available today and easily accessible from almost all building material deposits and hardware stores.

Designed as a self supporting structure to resist loads, the frame does not rely on the cladding for strength allowing greater freedom of material choice. These materials include; osb, compressed fibro, betonyp, fibrock or gyprock, form ply or plywood .

Cladding can be finished off with plaster, render on polystyrene or straight, apparent brick, stone tiles, tin or wood.

The sequence of cladding, its layering and layer thickness all add an additional strength factor above that calculated for the frame itself. At the same time they also fulfill esthetic, termo, acoustic and hydro insulation requirements. Because of this we recommend thicknesses of between 16-20 mm for most materials and 13 mm for gyprock used as a single or double layer.